Easter Baskets 2021

Easter Baskets 2021

Easter baskets are one of my favorite holiday traditions. It’s fun to shop for spring-y items after a long, cold winter and dream about the better weather ahead. Last year, Jackson was a newborn in the NICU and I was not expecting to be making him a basket at all. I ended up throwing together a few things for him, and it was a really sweet, simple Easter at our house because we were quarantined and not all home together yet. This year, I’ve been going a little crazy on holidays because it feels like a privilege to be home as a family after our experience over Christmas in the PICU.


Each basket has been themed around our big stuffed ducks from BlaBla Kids - how precious are those?? We love ducks at our house - I’m looking forward to taking B & Jackson to the park this spring to watch them swim in the pond. I’ve linked all of the items in each basket in the post for convenience!


Jackson’s basket is a mix of all his favorite things and activities. I spent more per item on his basket to get specific toys that fit his personality and needs! His basket is all about items that will last him through the season for development and fun!

  1. Fat Brain Toy Dimpl - One of my OI mama friends suggested this as a fine motor skill challenging, lightweight toy. I’m excited to try it!

  2. Bath book - We love the Pigeon books! Jackson could read books all day, and also loves bath time. I love that this comes with a matching (not pictured here) pigeon toy.

  3. Light spinner - Child life has brought us this toy on many occasions to the hospital, and it’s great because it stays “on” without holding the button down, and has a light vibration that Jackson likes on his mouth.

  4. Ryan & Rose Cutie Bit - These are the BEST for a baby who doesn’t take a pacifier anymore, but loves to have something in his hands and mouth at all times. Use my code ABBYR5 for $5 off your first purchase!

  5. BlaBlaKids Webster the Duck - Isn’t he CUTE?! I’m obsessed with his little knitted glasses.

  6. Goldendoodle rattle socks - It’s Mali!! Jackson loves rattle socks, especially on his hands. As he grows and shows more interest in playing with his feet, these little doodle socks will grow with him. They come in a few other dog breeds too!

  7. Easter book - Love this board book and how it outlines the Biblical Easter story with beautiful illustrations.

  8. Rubber radish toy - This brand makes high-quality teether toys (shaped like food!) out of natural hevea rubber.

  9. Ryan & Rose Cutie Clip - We have a million of these and I always want more because it’s so fun when they match his outfits! I’ve used them to clip lots of different toys to his shirt because he’s in an “oops I dropped it hehe” phase, and they also work for ME to clip masks on my collar.


Brooklyn’s basket is all things Spring and outside! I collect little gifts throughout the year and keep them for holidays, and others are seasonal like the gardening tools and darling bunny ears. In contrast to Jackson’s basket, I wanted a good amount of B’s toys to be used up (like chalk or bath bombs) or help develop a new life skill (like gardening). But also, I added in special heirloom items like wooden toys and a knitted duck. There’s ONE lollipop and zero other candy in the baskets (we save that for eggs!) and it’s from Love of Character.

  1. Wild Strawberry grow kit - I grabbed our kit from the Target Bullseye Playground, but this is a really great alternative. When we moved to our current house, there were wild strawberries growing by the pool, and it was so fun to pick them all summer long. I’m hoping these grow well for us!

  2. Flower bunny ears - B always insists on bunny ears for Easter. I love the felt flowers on these!

  3. E is for Easter book - This book has everything from Easter traditions to religious imagery like “P is for Palm Sunday” and “H is for Hunt.”

  4. BlaBla Kids Lucille the Duck - I can’t get over how sweet this little duck is in her frilly tank top!

  5. Chalk eggs - We go through chalk like crazy over here. These chalk eggs are a staple for nice days to come!

  6. Ryan & Rose bracelets - B loves these! They’re silicone and come in a bunch of colors. It’s jewelry I don’t have to worry about breaking/exploding beads all over the floor.

  7. Gardening tools - These come in a few colors, and are perfect for helpers outside this spring!

  8. Gardening gloves - B tends to fluctuate on whether she’ll wear gloves or not for different activities, but I think she’ll appreciate these regardless.

  9. Holztiger animals - We grabbed ours from the Why & Whale surprise pack, and I’ve tucked them away for holiday gifting. I love that they’re heirloom quality and fit small hands so perfectly.

A few other things I like to toss in to fill up space - mini Playdough’s, bathtub fingerpaint, new toothbrushes or hygiene items (lotion, chapstick, etc.) After so many years of doing baskets, I have found that less is more! I like choosing a few special things vs. having lots of items that overwhelm and end up scattered everywhere after opening.

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